
Once your order is shipped, you’ll receive an email letting you know that your order is on the way. You will get a tracking number once your order is on the way to its final destination or is already in the final destination country so you can keep an eye on its activity while it makes its way to you. You can also log into your Bijour account at any time and select “My Orders” to review your order status.

This date refers to when the product will ship from our facilities. Note, it does not refer to when the product will be delivered. When ordering more than one item, if the shipping dates are more than 1 week apart, your order may be split if shipping to the US or Canada. International orders are not split. Note: based on the volume and capacity, some orders may be processed earlier than the date shown on our website.

We use USPS for all US and international orders. We know a quick delivery is important to you and we are working hard to achieve that. But please be patient, all orders are normally shipped out within 24 hours and will take approximately 1-2 weeks to arrive.

If you're ordering multiple pieces and the status and shipping date of each are different, the order may be split in two or it may ship on the latest date. Keep in mind that only orders shipping within Canada or the US are eligible for split shipments. Your estimated shipping dates will also be noted in your Bijour profile and confirmation email once the order is placed!

Shipping will be FREE on all orders (yay)!

United States and Canada: duties and taxes are included in the shipping fee. There are no additional charges upon delivery. International shipments: there may be duties and taxes incurred on your shipment that you will be responsible for. Please note that Bijour does not have any control over these fees and we cannot advise as to what the costs will be, as they vary by country. For more information, please contact your local customs office. Keep in mind that we’re not able to reimburse you for duties and taxes paid upon delivery.

Should you choose to refuse the delivery of your order to avoid duties and taxes or if you change your mind, you will be responsible for the return shipping fee charged to Bijour. Keep in mind that this amount is dependent on your country. If you want to make any adjustments to your address, please be sure to reach out to us at before your order is dispatched.